2021.10.24 Remnant - The Remnants' Resolve (1 Samuel 18:6-9) Lecturer

2021-10-27 21:29

▷ Remnants need to make an important resolution because they still have many years to live. If they miss out on this part, they’ll suffer in vain. You just need to know the Gospel and enjoy prayer just a little. It’s okay if answers or experiences don’t come while you’re praying. Prayer is doing so regardless of answers. The more you read the Bible, the more God is with you. That’s prayer. There aren’t any other conditions. That was David’s prayer.

▣ Introduction_ A Shepherd’s Life (Psalms 78:70-72)

1. Word Meditation – As evidence, David wrote many psalms.

2. Deep Prayer – David had deep prayer toward God. He confessed, “The Lord is my shepherd,” and when he became king, he confessed, “The Lord is my King.”

3. Praise – David was a person of praise. If Remnants have the Gospel and life; listen carefully to the Word and prays; and praise just a little, they’ll be victorious.

4. The Greatest Shepherd – He was the greatest shepherd who didn't lose a single sheep. Remnants don't enter society run around by doing this or that; instead, do one thing properly.

5. A King – At that time, God had already decided that David would be king. By properly worshiping now, God will perfectly prepare your future. The answering that come later are more important than the answers now.

▣ Main_ You were simply doing this, but three time schedules came.

1. An Incident – A time schedule for David to be used came. An incident occurred. That’s God’s method. For some, incidents can be regarded as disasters, and for others, they can be blessings.

1) Philistia – Tormented Israel for 14 Generations

2) Goliath from Gath – Threatened Israel for 40 Days / David’s time schedule arrived. You, too, will have this time schedule.

3) Young David – Beyond imagination, David destroyed Goliath. It was an answer to his prayer. Rather than answers

coming now, they’ll during important incidents.

2. A Problem – Those who didn't know prayer said, "Saul destroyed his thousands while David his ten thousands."

1) People Who Didn't Know Prayer – “God prepared such a wonderful person with King Saul’s blessing.” / People Who Knew Prayer - “God blocked Goliath and protected us."

2) The King Who Didn't Know Prayer – "It displeased him." (vv. 8-9) People who don't know prayer are offended when they’re insulted by others. If works take place that hurt your self-esteem, you’ll collapse. RTs need to know that when problem arise, their words and actions will determine the next answer.

3) Evil Spirits – In the end, King Saul became demon possessed.

3. True Answers (The Future) - The RTs’ Past and Today Are for Their Futures

1) Adolescence – Imprints Won’t Erase – Precious imprints take place during worship.

2) The World – Your Imprints Become Your Roots – If sadness is imprinted, you’ll be rooted in it. If scars are imprinted, then you’ll be rooted in them.

3) As time passes, your roots will become your nature that produce irreversible fruits.

▷ David received his imprints when he was a shepherd. He was completely imprinted when he met Samuel. What happened after that didn't matter. Problems must not be seen as problems in Remnants’ eyes. No matter the problem, it mustn’t matter. It's better when there's a problem. They must have the eyes to see that. Discover what God has given.

▣ Conclusion_ Regarding your future that has passed through this as you hold onto the covenant, what asnswers will you receive?

1. Problems – Receive the 100-Year Answer

2. Incidents – Receive the 1,000-Year Answer

3. RTs’ Answer – God will give answers that’ll remain for all eternity.

▷ The God who was with David is with you now. RTs, don't give up within the covenant. Don't make mistakes because of people. No matter how strange the people whom you meet may be, don't make mistakes because of them. Young David transcended King Saul.

▷ RTs, always protect your identity as children of God and as Remnants. By holding onto this identity, spiritual changes will occur. When you receive answers to your prayers, you do not receive answers first, but because you cannot see them with your eyes, you must first create a spiritual state. Remnants should never be missed. So, arrange the words of the message that came out during the remnant meeting and worship. An important answer will come. When you receive answers to prayers, they aren't answers that come first, but it's your spiritual state that is first formed. Remnants mustn't lose hold of this. Organize today’s Remnant Worship message in a few words. In doing so, important answers will come.