2021.09.18 BIM - Business Missions That Enjoys the Transcendence of the Throne (Genesis 41:38)

2021-09-20 13:21


Every work, conflict, and test have a level. The church lags behind the three organizations at a level that is one century behind. There’s no time to fight or have conflicts. You must have “concerns” when you listen to the messages as you stand before God. Joseph did business missions that enjoyed the transcendence of the throne. That’s what Pharaoh, an unbeliever, said.

▣ Introduction_ Genesis 3:15 The “Woman’s Offspring Crushed the Head of the Serpent”

Satan’s works haven’t ended. Satan cannot die. Saying that “his authority was destroyed” is terrifying.

That’s why you pray in Jesus’ name. You’ve received “the right to become children of God.” Jesus first said “that they might be with Him...and have authority to cast out demons.”

John 19:30 - Jesus said, “It is finished.” That doesn’t mean you don’t have to do anything. “In Christ are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” You must discover those.

Without knowing Genesis 3:15 and John 19:30, how will you know what authority was destroyed and who Satan is.

1. Why doesn’t the Bible talk about the Gospel, but “only Gospel?”

2. Why did the pilgrims’ prayer that surpasses the 3 organizations emerge from church history?

While praying “24,” the pilgrims found happiness, thanksgiving, and God's power.

3. Why did Jesus speak of “only concentration” on the Mt. of Olives? This is what you must find.

If you don’t:

3 Transcendences – There are limitations to your thoughts and self. You can’t see the 3 transcendences with your own thoughts. 3 Settings – God’s image and God’s Spirit must be saved. That’s why it must be “only.”

3 Unprecedented and Never Again are included.

Prayer - The pilgrims did the prayer of “24.” It was “only Christ” and “only when the Holy Spirit comes upon you.” (Acts 1:8)

They were inside of great hardships, but they didn’t sense hardships at all because they felt God’s presence. Even when they walked through the desert, they weren’t weary. They relayed the Gospel. Next year’s them will be “The Field of the Answer of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd RUTC 24.”The greater theme will be “Pilgrim.”

People really don’t know what worship is. Walking on a path; being in the midst of struggles; and receiving answers is worship.

Your works must emerge from these. That is prayer and worship. (Romans 12:1)

Your studies and occupation must emerge which are also your prayer and worship.

Your business and industry naturally arises. Doing missions through this is “Business and Industry Missions.”

▣ Main_ Let’s see whether these words are correct or incorrect through Joseph.

1. Genesis 37:1-11: From home, by himself, Joseph already enjoyed prayer and worship.

1) Situations- Already Had Scars

2) Bad Environment

3) His C.V.D.I.P. Emerged (Dream)

Joseph prayed and worshiped by himself. The fact that those people came to worship meant that they had received tremendous guidance.

2. At Potiphar’s house, Joseph already enjoyed the

prayer and worship regarding business and industry missions. (Genesis 39:1-6)

Joseph confirmed the pilgrims’ prayer of always being with God.

1) Imprints 2) Roots 3) Nature

3. In prison, political missions arose. (Genesis 40:1-23)

1) 24 2) 25 3) Eternity – He enjoyed these blessings.

4. In the palace, the most certain healing missions arose. (Genesis 41:1-38)

1) Only 2) Uniqueness 3) Re-Creation

4) Everyone Lived because of Joseph

5. When he became the governor, world missions took place. (Genesis 45:1-5)

Whether Joseph was at home (main #1) or when he became the governor, (main #5) he enjoyed prayer and worship the same.

You must truly find “Happiness 24,” “Power 24,” and “Healing 24.” That is worship and prayer.

1) Egypt

2) The Family Line

3) Saved the World

▣ Conclusion_

You must travel on

the pilgrims’ path.

(Philippians 3:12)

“Rejoice Always”

“Pray without Ceasing”

“Give Thanks in All Circumstances”

This was Paul’s pilgrims’ prayer.

3 Transcendences, 3 Settings,

and 3 Unprecedented and Never Again

A Prayer That Can Be Completely Enjoyed

You must always be inside of happiness, prayer, and thanksgiving.

The church where you attend is a field of blessings. Wrong people take what they are good at and align them with God's will to heal their shortcomings. (Mentioned in the Introduction) You have to really try it.