2021.11.21 1st Service - The Restoration of Sincere Thanksgiving Is the Restoration of Everything (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)

2021-11-25 08:35

 ▣ Introduction_ Thanksgiving Sunday is about thanksgiving that changes fate. 

1. The Prayer That Changes Fate (The Evangelist’s Confession) 

1) Ten Years as an Associate Pastor – Doing a lot of Church Work on Sundays and Listening to People’s Words - I lost hold of worship. 

2) I began to concentrate on worship and prayer on Sundays. 

(1) I began to discover the covenant that applied to the next six days of the week. 

(2) I received tremendous answers through the pastor’s sermons. 

3) I began to pray forty-day prayer on my own. 

(1) I received the answer of changing my fate. 

(2) Then, worship becomes meaningful. 

(3) Without this, you’re always lost, your walk of faith is without any answers, and it feels like a living Hell. 

2. Remnants held onto the covenant to change their fate within prayer. 

1) Joseph – After his mother passed away, he began to pray. He received the answer that overturned lifelong fate. He was always thankful. 

2) Moses – After eighty years of not finding answers, a prayer to change his destiny began at Mt. Horeb. Even though there was nothing, works arose through his staff. 

3) Samuel and David – Both experienced this when they were young. Lying down next to the Ark of the Covenant and in the pasture, both held onto the covenant to overturn their fate. 

3. When you hold onto the covenant to change your fate, you’ll see the future. 


▣ Main_ Know the Meaning of Thanksgiving and Restore True Thanksgiving 

1. The thanksgiving regarding the day of the Exodus that overturned the fate of the world. 

▷ If you don’t know the Gospel, all powerful nations will create disasters. The heroes that the world emphasizes are those who have killed many people. This is where the Israelites became slaves. God gave Moses and the Israelites a message that changed their fate. 

1) Holding onto this covenant, the day they applied the blood of the lamb, Israel was liberated from Egypt – Passover 

2) Everybody thought that they would die, but God worked by His power, and they harvested grain. - Pentecost 

3) They thought that they would die, but they gathered enough to store. – Ingathering 

You must restore that thanksgiving. 

▷ That was what the Israelites couldn’t understand. Wars continued through fourteen generations. Many kings arose, but they were destroyed. It’s pitiful if God's people don’t know the things of God. They’ll become captives. The posterity will become enslaved, taken as captives, and become colonized by Rome. 

2. The second stream emerged. Christ called the disciples to the Mt. of Olives. 

1) The same message was given. 

(1) Ac. 1:1 - “In the first book, O Theophilus,” (Jesus is the Christ.) - Passover 

(2) Ac. 1:3 - Explaining God’s Kingdom for Forty Days - Ingathering 

(3) Ac. 1:8 - World Evangelization through “Only Holy Spirit” - Pentecost 

2) Holding onto this covenant (Acts 1:14), the “day of Pentecost arrived.” (Acts 2:1) 

3) Works to overturn their fate arose. 

(1) Peter’s fate completely changed. (Ac. 2:14-40 – Peter’s Sermon, Ac. 3:1-16 – Raised the Lame Man, & Ac. 4:12-14 – Testified the Name of Christ) 

(2) Israel’s fate was overturned. 

(3) The fate of the church was overturned. 

3. The last person to properly hold onto this covenant was Paul. 

1) Paul had the thanksgiving of changing his fate when he completely knelt before Jesus in Damascus. (Acts 9:1-5) 

2) The Church at Thessalonica was raised in the region of the heaviest persecution. 

(1) 1 Thess. 1:3 - “Work of faith, labor of love, and steadfastness of hope” (True Color of the Gospel) 

(2) 1 Thess. 1:5 - “Not only in word, but also in power and in the Holy Spirit and with full conviction.” 

(3) 1 Thess. 1:7 - “An Example to All the Believers in Macedonia” 

3) Paul says three things in his letter to the Church at Thessalonica. 

(1) 1 Thess. 5:16 - “Rejoice always,” - Those with the covenant and whose lives have changed are joyful. 

(2) 1 Thess. 5:17 - “pray without ceasing,” - Those who possess the sure covenant that completely transforms their fate can do 24-hr prayer because they know that God’s Kingdom is continuously being established. 

(3) 1 Thess. 5:18 - “pray without ceasing,” – Everything fulfills God’s will. 

▷ Restore this thanksgiving. 


▣ Conclusion_ The Path to Hold Onto the Covenant That Overturns Your Fate 

1. You must be able to see the “9 Settings.” 

2. Your occupation, studies, and your future will begin within those. 

3. Then, you’ll begin to discover the Word.