2021.09.18 Core - October School Evangelization Message

2021-09-20 13:31

you in advance regarding what will happen next year.

▣ Introduction_ Remnants and evangelists are those walking on the pilgrims’ path.

After becoming slaves then being freed, these Remnants went on the pilgrims’ path.

Samuel and David were born in a time when wars continued.

Elijah and Elisha were raised during the age of idolatry and possessed the mystery of victory.

Daniel and his team became the main figures of the age of captivity and led the age.

Paul and the Remnants arose during the age of colonization and walked on the pilgrims’ path.

The Israelites who had the Gospel became a wandering people; were scattered; and went on the pilgrims’ path.

→ Ultimately, God opened 237, healing, and Summit to accomplish world evangelization.

During the 5th century; the Middle Ages; and the age of massacres, pilgrims in earnest, began to move. - Breathing Prayer

Prayed for Only One Thing

[Inhale] “Fill me with Christ and His Spirit.

[Exhale] Whatever they saw or whatever came to mind, they continued to pray for blessings and gave thanksgiving.

They did this for “24.” As they walked on pilgrims’ path, they were happy and were thankful to the point of overcoming very difficult situations. Tremendous power emerged. They prayed, “only Jehovah, only Christ, and only Holy Spirit.”

A tremendous spirit world emerges. → You can see the streams of the Word, prayer, and evangelism.

You won’t feel circumstances, conditions, and hardships. This is knowing prayer and worship. Why? You can see the stream of the Word, become happy, and gain power.


1 Isaiah – He saw the age of captivity in advance and prophesied it.

1. Isaiah 6:13 - “Even more destruction will come. But the stump will not perish.”

2. Isaiah 7:14 - “The virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name Immanuel.”

3. Isaiah 40:27-31 - The Power of the Word

4. Isaiah 60:1-22 – Remnants began to arise in earnest.

5. Isaiah 62:6-12 - “You are a watchman.”


2 Daniel – He resolved.

▷ Those who understood Isaiah’s words overturned Babylon.

1. Daniel 1:8 - He resolved. He knew the reasons.

2. If you look at Daniel, “24” comes out. There was evidence that Daniel continued to pray in his daily life.

Daniel 6:10 - The background concerning Daniel’s imminent death. “As he had done previously.”

Daniel 6:20 - “Your God whom you always serve...”

Daniel 6:22 - “My God sent his angel and shut the lions' mouths, and they have not harmed me,”

3. Daniel 10:10-20 He took what was extremely important and did twenty days of concentrated prayer. → God revealed all the worlds to Daniel.


3 The Three Friends – “United prayer” in which two or three people communicate and do the “prayer of 24.”

1. Politicians cannot change their minds.

2. They created idols, but were overcome.

3. Three people were placed in the fiery furnace, but four people were walking around.


4 Esther – She received answers before answers

1. Esther 2:10 - When she became queen, Mordecai said, “Don’t tell me you're Jewish.”

2. Esther 4:1-16 - All the Jewish people were about to die. “Now, go and reveal who you are. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” For the sake of those crucial times, God

has established Remnants.

3. The Feast of Purim – Those words became a masterpiece.


5 Nehemiah – He enjoyed in the field.

1. True Success - Many people saw Nehemiah and said, “He’s a person who believes in God.”

2. The Reconstruction of the Wall (Temple) – At that time, Nehemiah spoke about the reconstruction of the wall (temple).

3. Reconstruction – Although there was a lot of obstacles, Israel eventually succeeded. Nehemiah played an important role.

▷ If you have this mystery in the field, those in the field will eventually know.

▷ Common Trait - The kings who saw Daniel, three young men, and Esther knew that they had this. (the introduction)

You must restore true power and with it go toward your studies, the future, and everything else.